當前位置:首頁 > 產品中心 > 美國VICKERS/威格士 > vickers齒輪馬達 > 威格士齒輪馬達型號
Product classification詳細介紹
和以前的10 齒齒輪泵相比,現在的13 齒齒輪泵使流量
安裝法蘭SAE A 2 螺栓
zui高連續壓力+ 210 bar [3000 PSI]
zui高間歇壓力 240 bar [3500 PSI]
在連續壓力下的zui低轉速750 RPM
在0壓力下的zui大旋轉扭矩4 Nm [36 lb-in]
zui高連續工作溫度105°C [220 °F]
連續工作時的zui低油液粘度5.7 cSt [45 SUS]
zui低工作溫度-29°C [-20°F]
在工作條件下的zui高進油口真空度0,8bar[11.6 psi]
● 困油槽溢流的改進不僅提高了功率,也使油流平穩來降低噪聲。
30.6 cm3 / rev. [1.87 in3 / rev.] Displacement, the highest continuous pressure is 190 bar [2750 PSI]
Additional shaft extensions, ports and mounting configurations give you a variety of options,
Easy to convert this high-performance gear pump.
Highly finished shafts and gears improve mechanical efficiency,
Reduced wear on these parts, extended pump life and improved pump reliability.
● The most difficult oil overflow area helps to reduce the pressure pulsation and low noise work,
This also reduces the input power requirements.
Site can be reversed
• The improved new wear plate allows for easy changes in the direction of rotation of the pump in the field.
Open the pump, exchange drive gears and idler gears, change the position of the plunger, and reassemble without additional parts.